In this article, we learn how to Commit and Push changes to remote repo using Git in Visual Studio . I will show how to do it, and just follow the steps clearly.
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To overview the whole part. this article is about how to Push the local branch to GitHub using Git in visual studio. for more article about git just click this link here. and this is the previous article.

Add Commit Message and Comment
Here you can Put anything but by standard, just put the update or what is you changes of your branch.

for this tutorial, this is my changes and this changes is connected to the article title Code Maid in Visual Studio. this is the all changes where I made about that article. you can refer that article on how Code maid use and work in Visual studio.
So the image below shown that the first line comment is the major information what changes are. But you can do what is your own style. and the second line this is the extra comment which is you can put list of changes here example per file or controller updates and etc. please refer the image below.

This is GitHub look like after commit and push the changes stated above.

Git Commit means?
Git Commit Command is when you move file to prepared it to push into your remote repos. its is very important to know first how commit work before knowing whole process of how Git works. In Visual studio you can commit your changes by Staging it and by commit All.
I. Staging – here you can select specific changes you need to commit online. By right click the file and select Stage to move the file into the staging changes. to commit staged you need to click above the staged changes button commit staged and push. but you can commit and push simultaneously to select the Commit Staged and Push. and in staging also you can Unstage the file to exclude the commit.

II. Commit All – here you can direct commit all the changes and push as will. you can commit and push also simultaneously by selecting the commit All and Push.

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