In this article, We learn about two major Git Utility specializes integrating changes and what is the different between those two’s and where we can use it in proper way . I try my best to features and explain to this article so that we can understand clearly about this topics. I will show how to do it, and just follow the steps clearly.
In this article I’ll illustrate what is the difference between two command in Git in order you to integrate your changes to other branches or the main branch. Regardless which Git utilities you are using the main purpose is to integrate changes from branch to branch.
GIT is software for tracking changes in any set of files, usually used for coordinating work among programmers collaboratively developing source code during software development.
Git Merge?
Merge is one of many Git utilities, and one of the two Git utilities that specializes in integrating changes from one branch onto another. This is the common Git command used by many developer to integrate their changes.

Image above illustrate of what happen when you used the git Merge. As what image tell us, When the feature branch created and during Integration. feature branch created after the to commits changes update from the master branch. And when the time of Integration the master has to new changes commits update. the color green indicates the last and last update of the master branch.

Git Rebase
Rebase is one of many Git utilities, and one of the two Git utilities that specializes in integrating changes from one branch onto another. The other changes integration utility is Git Merge.

Image above illustrate how rebase work. the box color red and white circle emphasize the base update changes, Or this is the base latest changes when the feature branch created. Then the blue box emphasize the latest update of the main branch. And lastly the black box with green circle is the update of the feature branch. this is how look like when we use the rebase compare to the merge.
Rebase is less conflict integrating changes compare to merge and this is the safely integrating changes technique of what I observed.
At the end of the day, its your choice which integrating approach did you like and your confident to use it.
Happy Learning..
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