In this article, we learn how to Create Git New Branch in Visual Studio . I will show how to do it, and just follow the steps clearly.
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I. Git mean?
GIT is software for tracking changes in any set of files, usually used for coordinating work among programmers collaboratively developing source code during software development
III. Locate git master branch
To create New Local Branch just look lower part of you visual Studio.
- This is the main branch name “master” in your repository in GitHub. I use GitHub as my Cloud Version Control Repository.
- This is the Project Repository name “StudentInfoAPI“. This project portfolio is created for extent of the article purpose and you can check to my GitHub profile by click the link here.
This is what I stated aboved.
Create New Local branch
First click the icon up sign beside the master branch to show this window. Just Click the New Branch button.
Then this window show up and just filled out the Branch Name as your New branch name. for the tutorial purpose of the article I will name it New_Branch. Based on is where your new Branch referring for. you can create new branch to any existing branch, just select branch in the based on branch available. after all to continue the process just click create.
See, Now our local branch is the “New_branch“.
Everything changes will be under this branch and not the main branch which is master.
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Keep coding, Don’t pressure your self, you need to enjoy it. (Coding is Life)
– Jave Lupango (CodeLife Author)
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