In this article, We learn how to create Function App (FA) project in Visual Studio.  I will show how to do it, and just follow the steps clearly.

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Function App (FA)

Azure function App is a serverless concept of cloud native design that allows a piece of code deployed and execute without any need of server infrastructure, web server, or any configurations. Azure functions can be written in multiple languages such as C#, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Python.


Azure is a cloud computing platform and an online portal that allows you to access and manage cloud services and resources provided by Microsoft. These services and resources include storing your data and transforming it, depending on your requirements.

Create Azure Function App Project in Visual Studio.

Let go;

First, open your Visual Studio in you machine. Search Azure function, and pick the “Azure Functions” project option and Next.

Filled out the following,

Project Name: feel free to name your first Azure Function App project. In my case, I name it “SampleAzureFunction

Location : you can remain this as default path, but in my case I choose to place it in my repos folder in separate drive.

Solution Name: by default, of what the name of your project same also the solution name. But you can change it. In my case I choose by default name.

To proceed, Click Create button.

There are many type of trigger in Function App. You can create Function App by Timer trigger and etc. In this project I choose to create a HTTP trigger.

Click Create button to proceed creating Http trigger Function app project.

Project Created

As you can see, by default you can trigger this FA by HTTP GET or POST request.

You can trigger it by accessing this URL.

GitHub Repos :

Happy Learning..

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