In this article, We learn how to Create Table in Azure Kusto Database.  I will show how to do it, and just follow the steps clearly.

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Azure is a cloud computing platform and an online portal that allows you to access and manage cloud services and resources provided by Microsoft. These services and resources include storing your data and transforming it, depending on your requirements.


Kusto is a query language designed for big data workloads particularly using large amount of data in from things like logs and event sources. Kusto  query is a read-only request to process data and return results. KQL is the first party query language for Kusto cluster used by Azure Data Explorer. Kusto Query is only good for pulling or getting data from the data bank.


For this article you must refer this previous blog on how to access Web UI. Because for this activity we are doing it in Web UI in kusto.

Navigate this in your Web UI -> Data

Create Tablename

First click the Create Table which is visible in the Data page.

Then this will be the page view of create table page. Fill out the Table name which required in this page. and Click Next:Source button to proceed. I named It as table name “Flights” because we are using a flight dataset in csv file.

here you select different source type. But in this article we are using csv so that we select a file.

Upload your csv file or any file that contains your source of dataset. Then click the Next:Schema to proceed.

This will be the view after uploading the file and view the schema of the table. We can see that the file extension is a csv. and the mapping name here in the left side. To completely create the table just click the Next: Create table.

Wait for a few second for creating.

And now your table is successfully created.

Happy Learning..

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Happy Learning..

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